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The governor Chol and segregation at the Choeung Ek Genocide Center

Published Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 10:08 AM

On the morning of September 17, 2014, Mr. Puth Dara, governor of Dangkor, along with Berkman, etc. Kosal Council President Khan led officials Forces Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia Khan and citizens 13 commune rituals bangsaoukaul and Roap monks 12 monks at the Center for Genocide champion.

The rituals bangsaoukaul and Roap this occasion is dedicated to kosalophal festival to citizens Khmer who died during the Khmer Rouge because in the genocidal Pol Pot citizens Khmer millions of people across the country have been cut down and killed, and at the Museum of champion is also the place where Pol Pot killed Khmer for more than 2 thousand people. Loss of the state in the genocide, some have died and some families have not heard from their relatives that died in the retina.

So today, on behalf of the entire school DangKor officials, armed forces, youth leaders and a total population of about 500 people, to bangsaoukaul Roap dedicated to the souls of those who died at the Choeung Ek Genocide Center, as well as those who have died throughout the country. On this occasion he was governor, bringing teyyovottho and suffixes Roap bangsaoukaul and donated monks 12 monks from 12 pagodas in 01 pagodas suffix build 10 thousand riel, monks 01 organizations 8 thousand riel, missiles, 5 cases, pure water 1 cartons and Islamic minus 1.