Sarom restored canal water from the local authority sangke
Published Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 9:57 AM
On 28 September 2014, a great rain made some areas in the capital was flooded by heavy rain. Sangke Russey Keo district were also flooded. As authorities based Mr Thuy health of the governor of Russey acted urgently by him to Kop Sles Governors led forces district authorities – neighborhood inspection and rehabilitation of canals O Bak to deliver water from Phnom Penh, as well as local neighborhood Toulsangke Russey.
As a result, the force we have taken steps to restore the canal, 04 targets are: Target 01 at the railroad Group 1 Village, and the 9 villages Toulsangke, goal No. 2 in the points behind Wat Tuol Sovanna dance group 6, 12 villages Toulsangke, Goal 3 at Borey Kong Bun Hav group of 13, the village of Kork and target 4 in O Veng canal is located in the neighborhood Keo. 4 goals canal rehabilitation, we decided to target 02 goals 1 and 2 and September 30, 2014, and added another 02 goals. So far, we have observed that the speed of the water flow faster, making some areas recede gradually.