Mr. Puth Dara certificate identifies the owner of the real estate to people in the neighborhood Sar
Published Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 9:48 AM
The morning of October 21, 2014, Mr. Puth Dara, governor of Dangkor Representative HE Socheatvong Governor of Phnom Penh, has been involved over the opening ceremony certificate mark owners to People 2,648 parcels village 8 neighborhood Sar comprises Thom Village village Sar born villages clause village Canyon mat new village Canyon mat old village kokabanteay Peam Village, and the village of twenty-four.
After bin Su Qi Deputy Urban Planning, Construction and Cadastral has introduced procedures for attendance received titles already, Mr. Puth Dara behalf Socheatvong Governor had worked congratulate you for get a certificate marking the owner of real estate or title deeds of the people today, which is the attention of HE Governor of the needs of citizens in the occupied land use its official. Governors have continued to raise the importance of using this title, which confirm the legitimacy of tenure construction easy to request a burden to borrow money from the bank. In particular, let people take care of this card properly sing avoid negligence caused the loss or damage that may lead to difficulties in land management impact.