Reports on cases of collapsed trees on July 1, 2015
Published Date: Monday, July 06, 2015, 9:24 AM
On July 01, 2015 at 2:15 pm, there was a heavy rain with strong wind caused 7 trees to be collapsed which included:
1. Street No. 108 in front of Democracy part, A tree was collapsed on 4 cars.
2. Street No. 47 in front of Rottanak Kiri 2 restaurant, A tree was collapsed on 2 cars.
3. A tree was collapsed along Norodom BLVD.
4. Monument Park in front of the Ministry of Environment, a tree was collapsed.
5. A tree was collapsed along Monivong BLVD.
6. Two trees were collapsed along Russian Federation BLVD.
In addition, 8 small trees were also collapsed.
All the trees was taken away before 19:45 pm in the same day.